General and Family Dentistry - Chez Soie Dentisterie / Formerly Marcotte médecine dentaire

General and Family Dentistry

Service 01 - Dentisterie générale et familiale

General and Family Dentistry

This is the heart of our purpose: to provide oral health monitoring for all members of your family, from all stages of life, from primary teeth to all matured teeth.

While at university, dentists, whether general practitioners or specialists, are first trained in general dentistry. They then gain the knowledge to develop techniques to diagnose and treat a multitude of oral diseases and conditions. It is therefore with this goal for the complete care of the mouth that the Chez Soie Dentisterie team offers general and family dentistry services. The routine examinations and treatments offered aim to prevent the formation and deepening of common pathologies (gum disease, decay, etc.), but also to treat the teeth and tissues affected by them.

Traitement 1.1 - Grincement des dents (bruxisme)

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Did you know that pain in the jaw, cheeks, face, head, neck and neck can be caused by a problem with the jaw joint?

Traitement 1.2 - Obturations (plombages)


During the dental exam, in addition to looking for signs and symptoms of cavities such as brown or black spots, your dentist also checks the condition of your fillings.

Traitement 1.3 - Protecteurs buccaux


The custom-made mouth protector is recommended for all those who practice a sport with a risk of falls or blows: hockey, martial arts, etc.

Traitement 1.4 - Traitement de canal (endodontie)

Root Canal Treatment

When the nerve in your tooth is infected, a successful root canal treatment allows you to keep your tooth rather than having to have it extracted.

Traitement 1.5 - Traitement de l’apnée du sommeil (ronflement)

Sleep Apnea Treatment (Snoring)

Have you ever been told that your snoring bothers others or that you seem to be choking during the night? This means you probably have sleep apnea.

Traitement 1.6 - Traitement des gencives (parodontie)

Gingival Therapy (Periodontics)

Does your gum bleed easily when brushing or flossing? Perhaps you suffer from gingivitis or even periodontitis.