Dental Prevention and Examination - Chez Soie Dentisterie / Formerly Marcotte médecine dentaire

Dental Prevention and Examination

Service 02 - Prévention et examen dentaire

Dental Prevention and Examination

An oral exam is important at any age, whether you have teeth or not. Although cavities and broken teeth may not cause any pain in the early stages, they require more expensive and complex treatments in the advanced stages.

Everyone should have a dental exam at regular intervals, even if they maintain a healthy oral hygiene. (Reference: ODQ)

Traitement 2.1 - Détartrage et polissage

Scaling and Polishing

Dental scaling is the action of removing tartar that has accumulated on the teeth and below the gums.

Traitement 2.2 - L’examen dentaire

Dental Examination

A dental exam is an essential exercise for maintaining your oral health – and only your dentist can perform it.

Traitement 2.3 - Radiographies numériques

Digital Radiography

Dental X-rays are the only diagnostic tool that can detect problems invisible to the naked eye and also allow you to see inside the tissues.

Traitement 2.4 - Scellants de puits et fissures

Pits and Fissure Sealants

Pit and fissure sealant involves the application of an organic polymer that adheres to the surface of tooth enamel and aims to protect the enamel against tooth decay.