Full Denture - Chez Soie Dentisterie / Formerly Marcotte médecine dentaire
Full Denture

Full Denture

21 - Prothèse complèteFull Denture

The complete prosthesis or commonly called denture is used when there are no more natural teeth. It is removable and is held in place by suction.

The full denture can be painful at first and it may take some time to get used to it. There are 2 types of complete dentures: the conventional denture and the immediate denture.

The conventional prosthesis is the most common prosthesis. It is recommended to redo the prosthesis every 5 years to ensure optimal comfort and to benefit from an adequate fit. At the first appointment, the denturist takes impressions of the gums and ensures that the surrounding muscles and tissues are properly molded to create a prosthesis that is perfectly suited to your mouth. If you opt for a conventional prosthesis following the extraction of your teeth, you usually have to wait a few months (without prostheses) for your bone and gum to heal perfectly. To avoid this inconvenience, you can ask your dentist or denturist if immediate prosthesis is an option to consider depending on your situation.

The immediate denture is made before your teeth are extracted. During the first visit, your dentist takes measurements of your jaw and creates a model. The immediate denture is inserted following tooth extraction. The advantage of the immediate prosthesis is the absence of waiting for the end of the healing period, which can last up to 6 months. During this healing period, your bones and gums may shrink or even sag. The immediate or transitional denture allows your denturist or dentist to correct the denture throughout the changes in the soft and hard tissues of your jaw, and thus ensure a superior fit during the transition period.